Featured band: Modesto Local Ella Treble Song:Paticular_Brand ( download the mp3 )
Want your music played on the radio or Featured on our website and Facebook page?
It needs to be an original song (not a cover of someone else's song).
We can't air songs that have obscenities or anything that is not "airable" by FCC standards.
ASCAP/BMI/SESAC songs submitted with out a release form WILL NOT BE PLAYED !!!
E-mail it to us for airplay consideration along with a photo of your
Email completed form and your material ( Web links to a MP3's work best and fast)
by US Mail
( completed form, mp3 on a data CD, and small donation might be nice ;)
Please indicate if you wish to be contacted for possible interview opportunities.
Please ask your record company to support our independent station and not waste time with evil corporations like clear channel.
Coming soon a list to the Local Bands we play on the radio here in Modesto
Modesto Sound LIVE concert.
2 Hours with the first 6 bands including Fallen Video for Windows 2.2MB/sec
Real Local Radio 545-4227 PO Box #612 Salida CA 95368 / @Modesto1049FM