FM 104.9 The Gig
Bands submit your songs for airplay
The Best Indy Bands


This document serves as a "temporary umbrella license" granting the KGIG/FOTE
(the station) to air the artists copyrighted material royalty free in return for Radio/TV and web airplay promotion:


Please print clearly

Artist Name:_____________________________________________
CD Title or Song Name .:___________________________________
Web site:_________________________________________________
MP3 Link:_________________________________________________________

Artist Address:__________________________________________
City:_____________________________ State:______________ Zip:_________

If the station cease operation they must NO LONGER use any of the selections and/or material stated herein for broadcast, promotional or other purposes. Artist and Station reserves the right to void this agreement at anytime. A copy of this letter signed by a representative of the Artist or the Artist listed above must be submitted with all material to the station before airplay is considered to protect both the station and the Independent Artist.
Sending in this form with your music does NOT guarantee that we will use any of your work.
The Station
Artist Signature: X___________________________ ... Date ____________

KGIG Radio 104.9 FM
POB # 612 Salida CA 95368 - 0612
Please support community radio , donations gladly accepted








Real Local Radio 545-4227 PO Box #612 Salida CA 95368 /